Yesterday, it was my dad's 63rd birthday bash on a Sat evening. We went to Gasoline at Lookout point to celebrate his b'day there. Anyway, we had invited Kelly and Aunt Kimberly, Koo Mah, Uncle Bernard and Aunt Patricia to attend this special occasion with us. It was all-nite chatting and laughing at jokes that we had. Funny, surprised, shocked were the expression that we had made for ourselves. Good but yea...we really enjoyed the b'day gathering session. As for Uncle Bernard, he might want to celebrate his bday in a grand way next year, as mentioned by him earlier. All of us ordered combo set meals that include a free drink of Jasmine tea or ocean soda as well as a bowl of soup. Wanna know what I've ordered? It was pepper butter chicken chop and a free complimentary Jasmine tea. I loved the tender juicy chicken...loved it to the last drop of the gravy...who wouldn't like the ambience environment with a pretty nice scenery from the top of the hill?? Yes, bet all of us could even go for another hitch hike climb although it's not very tiring to climb all the way to the top hill? I try to upload the pics for your enjoyment:-