Sunday, June 8, 2008

What kind of girl you are!

Take the quiz and learn what kind of girl you are!

Angel You are pure and beautiful. Looking into your eyes is a religious experience. When you spread your wings men fall to their knees, and kiss the ground. Hallelujah!

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------My testimonial: Ahem! I can't believe that my quiz results came out as what is written above. Unless you ask me to show how to be pure as in really be pure and how beautiful is beautiful??? Looking into my eyes is a religious experience. And how many guys would fall for me when they look into my beautiful eyes (at least I think so...I'm always satisfied with my well-being and physical appearance). When I spread my wings, men fall to their knees -- I think I accept this statement....should be sweet and wonderful to my liking. Kiss the ground -- Gone too much and excessively ridiculous, not to my liking. However and all, I adore being an angel.

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