Thursday, July 2, 2009

Praise God

Happy moments, praise God
Difficult moments, seek God
Quiet moments, worship God
Painful moments, trust God
Every moment, thank God

It was my birthday anniversary 2 days ago on the 1st of July. Anyway just to let all of you know, I'm going to celelebrate it this coming Sunday because most of my family members will be around to have a reunion event then. My dad said he wanted to buy an ice-cream cake for me lor. So, I'm so looking forward to it. I know, I know that I have been putting on weight for the couple of months but I can't help it if I wanted to have a bite of the mouth-watering dessert. I certainly hope that I can reduce my weight since I have been jogging twice a week and doing some light exercises around in the house. Ohh gosh *gasps*I think I have lost the privilege opportunity to do my workout in Heritage Slimming Therapy Centre cos it has been forfeited for the past several 3-4 months haikz!

Wait for a moment, I'm already start dreaming about my rich moisturised, creamy American ice-cream cake impractically now........wanna share a piece, come to my house laez anytime for a cake and coffee session!

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